This "Best Shave Ever Kit" is the hottest men's gift around and is great for any occasion.
Contains a high-quality men's safety razor. This should be the last razor you ever have to purchase. The safety razor is a butterfly/convertible razor. The safety razor comes with a 100 pack of safety razor blades. The kit contains a white faux ivory shave brush with soft synthetic bristles, and a resin shaving bowl. The kit also contains a great Boll Weevil Soap Company Goat Milk Soap Shaving Bar, Boll Weevil Soap Company Aftershave Soother, and Boll Weevil Soap Company Shave and Beard Oil.
Shaving Instructions: Place shaving bar in the shaving bowl and wet the shave brush. Use shaving brush to build a lather on the brush. Spray the shave oil directly on the face. Apply shave lather with brush directly on the face and shave as normal. Rinse face as normal. Apply aftershave soother when finished.
Remember to keep your safety razor at a 30-degree angle to the face and shave down on the face and up on the neck.
Enjoy the best shave ever!
Old Fashioned Shave Bowl Demo - YouTube
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