***Customer Alert*** Due to new government regulations this product can only be sold in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and Florida at this time. Orders outside these states will be canceled. No More Gnats is a 25b Minimum Risk EPA exempt pesticide product which means it is super safe for you, your kids and your pets. Unfortunately, that also means that state and federal regulations require us to register the product in each state. This is a lengthy and costly process and as a small family-owned business we are working to resolve this as quickly and financially feasibly as possible. Thanks for your patience.
No More Gnats is a natural bug repellent made of all natural essential oils. Unlike some natural bug repellents on the market, No More Gnats contains no alcohol and therefore will not dry out your skin. Shake well before using and do not spray in the eyes, reapply as many times as necessary. Safe for the whole family age 3 months and up.
Learn More on Our You Tube Channel!
Alabama Registration: 1000213